About i-Transport

i-Transport is a specialist, independent transport planning consultancy with offices nationwide. We specialise in providing transport planning advice to the development sector for both private and public-sector clients.

Our Approach

To us, reputation matters. We are incredibly proud to be regarded as one of the leading transport planning consultancies in the country.

We advise our clients every step of the way, from project inception through to the detailed planning application stage and beyond. Our success lies in the strength of relationships we form and the quality of our employees. Relationships are founded on trusted advice and built on sound technical expertise.

At i-Transport we adopt an innovative approach to solving our clients’ problems. We combine our comprehensive knowledge of the planning system with specialist transport planning and traffic engineering skills. This approach allows us to deliver intelligent, cost-effective, sustainable solutions, tailored to each project’s needs.

We work closely with everyone from land owners to developers, house builders, ‘blue chip’ companies, pension funds, leisure operators and public-sector bodies. Paying close attention to interdisciplinary considerations enables us to be successful in every field.

Our breadth of experience and cross-practice collaborative approach and knowledge sharing, enables us to respond to new environmental and social challenges facing the development and transport markets.

Vision & Values

We believe in building long-term relationships with our clients and professional colleagues that are based upon integrity, skill, a shared direction and a passion for what we do.


  1. Combine high-quality transport planning and highway design skills with a detailed knowledge of the planning system
  2. Act in a professional and responsible manner
  3. Review and present professional and technical evidence honestly and accurately
  4. Regularly keep our knowledge and skills up to date
  5. Listen carefully
  6. Treat people fairly and with respect
  7. Invest in, train and reward employees at all levels
  8. Are open, clear and honest in all our communications
  9. Have regard to the impact of our business decisions on future generations
  10. Support the wider communities that we sit alongside through placements and our charitable giving

The Partners and employees at i-Transport are committed to supporting the wider communities that we sit alongside.

Equality, Diversity & Inclusivity

At i-Transport LLP we are committed to providing a workplace that is equal, diverse and inclusive. We recognise the power that diversity brings. We seek to offer an environment which is free from barriers such as discrimination and harassment, enables individuals to feel valued and that offers flexibility to allow all our people to flourish. Our Equality, Diversity & Inclusivity Statement can be viewed here.

As a Practice we support the Chartered Institution of Highways and Transportation’s (CIHT) Diversity and Inclusion Charter which means we are actively committed to making a difference both within our own Practice and across the wider transport industry.

Carbon Reduction and our Journey to Net Zero

At i-Transport LLP we are committed to reducing our carbon footprint over time and achieving our long-term goal of Net-Zero carbon emissions by 2050.

While we work to reduce the carbon footprint of our business operations, we believe it is important to compensate for any residual emissions along the way – to do this we have partnered with Earthly to support high-quality, nature-based projects.

We are now developing our detailed Carbon Reduction Policy which will set out how we expect to achieve our long-term Net-Zero goals. In the meantime, you can read our Carbon Reduction Statement and learn more about the projects we already support here.

Charitable Giving

We are committed to supporting the wider communities that we sit alongside. We are proud of the tremendous efforts of our employees and Partners to support local communities.

Over the last year we have supported the following initiatives:

Continued our Payroll Giving

Through the ‘Give as You Earn’ scheme, all employees and Partners at i-Transport make a monthly donation to support a selection of chosen charities through the Charities Trust. We have retained “Platinum Quality Mark Award” for commitment to payroll giving.

Organised a Series of Charity Days

Each year we ‘down tools’ and spend a day supporting our local communities. During 2022 we:

  • Volunteered with Spotlight UK, creating gift packs for local Basingstoke school children.
  • Volunteered with the Children’s Book Project in London, organising books to be redistributed to children across the UK.

Participated in Fundraising Events

Throughout the year we have participated in a number of activities including the Cycle the Month, raising over £2,000 for Prostate Cancer UK.

Made Christmas Donations

Rather than sending Christmas cards, i-Transport makes annual donations to local charities nominated by our employees. In 2024 we supported:

i-Transport has also made a number of donations to clients and professional colleagues to support their causes and communities.

Our aim is to provide high quality advice to solve our clients’ problems.

Contact Us

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