Strategic Development

Site: Tilbury2
Client: Port of Tilbury
Project: Nationally Significant Infrastructure Project for a new Port terminal on the north bank of the River Thames at Tilbury

Key Inputs:

  • Preparation of Transport Assessment to support Development Consent Order application to Secretary of State
  • Development of bespoke Framework Travel Plan and Sustainable Distribution Plan to manage vehicle demand
  • Extensive liaison with Highways England, Thurrock Council and Essex County Council in developing infrastructure and mitigation package including new link road
  • Support on transport matters through the Examination of the application over a 6 month period

Source: Port of Tilbury London Ltd

Site: Tewkesbury Garden Town – Land at Northway, Ashchurch
Client: The North Ashchurch Consortium
Project: Phase 1 of the Garden Town to deliver circa 4,000 residential dwellings, local centres, schools, and community facilities. The wider Garden Town is estimated to deliver a total of circa 10,000 homes and 100 hectares of employment land.

Key Inputs:

  • Assisted with the promotion of the site, working closely with the highway authorities and the Garden Town Team at Tewkesbury Borough Council in developing proposals and principles for the development. 
  • The Garden Town is expected to be allocated in the forthcoming Strategic and Local Plan (includes Cheltenham, Gloucester, and Tewkesbury) and benefits from Garden Town Status as well as funding assistance from the Government. It is ideally located close to existing settlements with rail station on the doorstep, surrounded by existing employment areas, and strategic highway connections including the A46 and junction 9 of the M5. 
  • Our work has included: 
    • A Sustainable Transport Strategy. 
    • The Design and Principles of a Central Street through the masterplan including access connections. 
    • A Traffic Strategy in the form of a Travel Demand Assessment. 
  • We will be assisting the Consortium with the assessment of transport and highways towards a planning application. Assessment of the highway network will include running of strategic traffic models and will be in line with National Highways DfT Circular 01/2022, having a vision-led approach. 

Site: North Fordingbridge
Client: Pennyfarthing Homes
Project: Around 900 new homes and community facilities.

Key Inputs:

  • Promotion of the site through the Local Plan and successfully assisting Pennyfarthing Homes to secure a significant uplift in the number of new homes to be delivered as part of an emerging allocation. 
  • Development of access strategy including the provision of advice on land acquisition, which was integral to securing the Local Plan allocation. 
  • Preparation of outline planning applications for around 900 new homes. 
  • Input on detailed layout matters to support full / reserved matters planning applications for over 300 new homes. 
  • Ongoing input to assist with the delivery of the site, including co-ordinating Section 278 works to be delivered by the development. 

Site: Land South of Chesterton, Cirencester
Client: Bathurst Development Limited
Project: Strategic residential led mixed-use development (including up to 2,350 residential dwellings, 9.1 hectares of employment land, a primary school, a neighbourhood centre as well as community facilities and public open space).

Key Inputs:

  • Preparation of Transport Assessment, Travel Plan, and transport chapter of Environmental Statement
  • Extensive pre application consultation exercise with key stakeholders and local residents, including community involvement events and public exhibitions to understand key transport issues
  • Comprehensive discussions with Gloucestershire County Council and Highways England to ensure analysis and transport strategy was undertaken on an agreed basis
  • Development of site access strategy and significant package of transport infrastructure improvements including enhanced off-site pedestrian/cycling provision between the site and key destination, and detailed public transport strategy to include extended bus services to maximise the opportunities for travel by non-car modes
  • Detailed assessment of the impact of the proposed development on the operation of the local highway network using a town-wide S-Paramics traffic model, including analysis of off-site highway improvements and identification of trigger points and phasing
  • Input into development of site-wide masterplan, including sensitive design of vehicle / cycle / pedestrian route through a Scheduled Ancient Monument

Source: JTP

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