Site: ExCel London Exhibition Centre
Client: ExCel London (ADNEC)
Project: Various 

Key Inputs:

  • i-Transport LLP has provided transport and highways advice to ExCeL London for more than four years. We prepared the full suite of transport technical information for ExCeL’s planning application for their Phase 3 extension which comprised a 40,000 sqm. extension with new exhibition halls and gallery space located to the east of the existing Exhibition Centre.
  • We advised on all pre-planning, planning and post submission matters, including representation at planning committee which resulted in a successful resolution to grant planning permission subject to S106. We have subsequently assisted with the S106 Agreement and coordinated the legal aspects of a S278 Agreement for highway works associated with a change in site access arrangements, alongside a Temporary Traffic Regulation Order.
  • Delivery and servicing was a key part of the work we undertook since the exhibition centre needs to remain operational, and the visitor experience remain of high quality, whilst the build of Phase 3 takes place. We have advised on a number of Non-Material Amendment applications to alter the original permission granted and we continue to support ExCeL as Phase 3 is delivered.
  • We have also advised on opportunities for EV charging across the ExCeL Estate including advice relating to different types of EV charging provision, relating to both planning requirements and more generally ExCeL’s long-term aspirations for the site. We assisted ExCeL London in reviewing options for a long-term EV charging provider partnership and reviewed numbers and locations of slow and rapid EV chargers, as well as the potential to host a larger EV charging hub within their landholding. This work included research into trends in EV uptake, emerging charging technology and revenue generation opportunities. 

Source: i-Transport

Site: Hulton Park
Client: Peel Holdings
Project: Championship Golf Resort and Residential Development

Peel proposes to restore and regenerate Hulton Park, located at Westhoughton near Bolton, to create a championship golf course capable of holding the largest golf tournaments and events including the 2026 Ryder Cup.  The proposals also include c. 1,000 residential dwellings.

Key Inputs:

  • Development of link road concept to mitigate the impacts of generated traffic. Modelling of the road to demonstrate that the mitigation delivers significant benefits in terms of reduced congestion
  • Preparation of a comprehensive Transport Assessment demonstrating that access can be delivered, the site is accessible and sustainable and off-site traffic impacts are not severe
  • Production of Golf Resort and Residential Travel Plans
  • Production of an Interim Event and Travel Management Plan, focussed on demonstrating how 70,000 spectators and 7,000 staff/volunteers can access the golf course
  • Liaison with the local and strategic highway authorities to resolve all transportation issues

Source: LRW Architects

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