Site: Screen Hub UK
Client: Pinewood Group Limited
Project: Land South of Pinewood Studios, Iver, Buckinghamshire

Key Inputs:

  • Preparation of site access designs.
  • Undertaking a comprehensive multi-modal trip assessment for all proposed uses (including a national distribution model for the proposed visitor attraction) to assess the local highway network in detail.
  • Review of key local highways constraints (including local rat running) and developing appropriate mitigation measures.
  • Preparation of a Transport Assessment to accompany the planning application.
  • Development of an extensive sustainable transport strategy for the site to promote travel by sustainable modes for all staff and visitors (including site specific shuttle bus services to local rail stations for both visitors and staff, a Travel Plan and pedestrian/cycle infrastructure).
  • Pre and post application discussions with Buckinghamshire Council (the Local Highway Authority) and National Highways to discuss the proposals.
  • Public engagement with key local stakeholders.

Site: Shepperton Studios
Client: Shepperton Studios Ltd
Project: Redevelopment and expansion of the Shepperton Studios site to deliver circa 90,000sqm of new studio production space. 

Key Inputs:

  • Preparation of site access designs.
  • Preparation of a Transport Assessment to support the outline application for the redevelopment/expansion of the site. This included a comprehensive traffic assessment of the local highway network and the identification of seven off-site highway improvements at local junctions.
  • Development of an extensive sustainable transport strategy for the site to promote travel by sustainable modes for all staff and visitors (including a site specific shuttle bus service to local stations, a Travel Plan and pedestrian/cycle infrastructure).
  • Pre and post application discussions with Surrey County Council (the Local Highway Authority) and National Highways to discuss the proposals.
  • Public engagement with key local stakeholders.
  • Transport input into the reserved matters applications regarding layout design, vehicle circulation/access, parking and pedestrian/cycle facilities.
  • Ongoing support to the project team to assist in the delivery of the off-site highway mitigation schemes (including engagement with the Surrey County Council).

Site: Marchwood Military Port
Client: Solent Gateway Limited / ABP
Project: Commercialisation of Marchwood Military Port and the expansion of the hardstanding areas from 22.7ha to 43.8ha  

Key Inputs:

    • Derived suitable approach to assess the scheme during the COVID-19 Pandemic and extensive liaison with both local and strategic highway authorities on this point to reach agreement;
    • Established a bespoke methodology for quantifying the potential current and future use of the site in terms of associated transport movements working closely with our client to establish this for road, rail and marine modes; .
    • Input into the site access strategy and onsite layout including tying in to local desire lines for walking and cycling;
    • Preparation of a full suite of documents to support the planning application including a Transport Assessment, Travel Plan and extensive input into the Environmental Impact Assessment.
    • Ongoing input to assist with the delivery of the site, including co-ordinating Section 278 workstreams for the site access and offsite improvements.

Site: Axis Square, Holliday Street, Birmingham
Client: London and Continental Railways
Project: Demolition of existing office building and construction of four new buildings ranging between 6-23 storeys for circa 100,000sqm of mixed office, retail, restaurant spaces.

Key Inputs:

  • Study of surrounding highway network to seek alternative solution to Birmingham City Council (BCC) having to raise a Compulsory Purchase Order (CPO) for part of the site for a highway improvement scheme. Alternative route identified, designed, and agreed with BCC, resulting in the threat of a CPO being removed to enable wholescale redevelopment of the site to occur
  • Supporting outline application for the development of the site, including production of highway design plans for new vehicular access, closure of existing access, and basement car parking and servicing area, and a Transport Assessment and Travel Plan;
  • Input to phasing design for the development, to ensure that access for all users is secured throughout the various demolition and construction phases;
  • Supporting hybrid application, to provide further detail to the first phase of development, and revised access opportunities, with preliminary designs for further highway improvements to enable alternative access solutions.

Site: Capitol Park, Leeds
Client: Sterling Capitol PLC
Project: Strategic industrial development at M62 Junction 28, comprising up to 1.1m sqft of floorspace.  

Key Inputs:

  • Preparation of a detailed Transport Assessment, Framework Travel Plan and ES technical chapter. 
  • Feasibility design of signal-controlled site access arrangement, including incorporation of bus priority measures on key Mirfield-Dewsbury-Leeds corridor.  
  • Input to site layout matters. 
  • Feasibility design of mitigation scheme at M62 J28 to provide additional traffic capacity, improved active travel linkages across the motorway and facilitate improved bus journey time reliability, including: 
    • Detailed testing using National Highways’ TRANSYT model of the junction.  
    • Collaborative working alongside National Highways, Leeds City Council’s UTMC team and consultants acting for a developer in the adjoining District. 
    • Agreement of Walking, Cycling and Horse-Rider Assessment Review. 
    • Management of Stage 1 Road Safety Audit process.  
  • Negotiation of developer obligations and planning obligations. 

Site: Panattoni Park, Swindon 
Client: Panattoni
Project: Redevelopment of the former Honda Manufacturing Plant to provide an exemplar logistics park providing circa 7.2m sq. ft of employment floorspace

Key Inputs:

  • Preliminary design of onsite infrastructure for all modes including walking, cycling, public transport, private cars and commercial vehicles. 
  • Input to inform the development of a masterplan for the entire site and a detailed planning application for a first phase. 
  • Preparation of a suite of documents to support the planning application including a Transport Assessment, Travel Plan and Environmental Statement chapter. 
  • Design of offsite infrastructure improvements, including improvements to an existing junction on the Strategic Road Network and subsequent liaison with key stakeholders including National Highways. 
  • Led negotiations with Swindon Borough Council and National Highways as well as other adjoining highway authorities. 

Site: Port Warrington
Client: Peel
Project: Expansion of existing port facility.

Key Inputs:

  • Derivation of bespoke travel movements for intra-modal (rail/river/road) port facility including up to 2m sq ft B8 floorspace
  • Development of phased access strategy including off the proposed Warrington Western Link
  • Consideration of sustainable travel strategy including public transport, taking account of 24/7 operations
  • Assessment of off-site traffic impacts demonstrating the traffic generated by the proposals, including HGVs, can be accommodated on the surrounding highway network
  • Input to supporting the proposed allocation through Warrington Borough Council’s Site Allocations process

Source: i-Transport

Site: Encirc Glass Manufacturing Site, Elton, Elsmere Port
Client: Encirc Glass
Project: A fully automated warehouse along with a HGV marshalling yard, driver welfare facility, security gatehouse building and an automated link between the new warehouse and existing facility.  

Key Inputs:

  • Feasibility design for the internal road network and marshalling yard, including a ramp access to and from the new warehouse;  
  • Preparation of a Transport Statement to support the full application for the automated warehouse and automated link between the new warehouse and the existing facility.  
  • Producing a Travel Plan incorporating a range of measures to promote travel by sustainable modes for all staff based at the site including the new and existing facilities 
  • Pre and post application discussions with the Local Highway Authority and National Highways to discuss the proposals 
  • Assist in the developer’s aspiration to achieve BREEAM excellence 

Site: Triangle Site, Maidenhead
Project: Circa 80,000sqm strategic employment site for new general industrial and warehousing floorspace

Key Inputs:

  • Promotion of the site through the Royal Borough of Windsor and Maidenhead Local Plan. 
  • Preparation of an Overview Transport Assessment to support promotion of the site which included: 
    • A detailed review of the site against relevant national and local policy; 
    • Development of an access strategy to demonstrate how access can be achieved for all modes including a separate pedestrian and cycle access to encourage travel to the site by active travel modes and a further dedicated bus access; 
    • An off-site scheme to improve local routes for walking and cycling including technical drawings to demonstrate how the scheme could be delivered; 
    • A review of the justification for a new pedestrian and cycle bridge over the A308(M) including an assessment of the constraints and alternative approaches; 
    • Development of a sustainable transport strategy to support how the scheme can come forward in a sustainable way; and 
    • An assessment of the potential traffic impacts resulting from the scheme including an in-depth review of the Local Plan evidence base and mitigation. 
  • Preparation of an additional bespoke Technical Note to forecast walking and cycling demand generated by the scheme. 

Site: Various
Client: Glenmore Commercial Estates
Project: Delivery of new business / industrial parks

Key Inputs:

  • i-Transport has provided transport/highways advice to support the development of numerous business/industrial parks by Glenmore Commercial Estates with each site delivering multiple units for flexible warehousing/light industrial use. This has comprised sites in Yeovil, Bristol, Chichester, Worthing, Andover, Kidlington and Fawley.  Our work has included preparing Transport Assessments/Statements and Travel Plans to support various planning applications. Key issues that we have needed to advise on have included:  
    • Car and cycle parking numbers (including provision of EV charging).  
    • Delivery and servicing management across sites with multiple occupiers.  
    • Promotion of sustainable transport and active travel. 

Source: Google

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