i-Transport LLP was pleased to be commissioned by Quintain to lead the transport strategy on the recast Wembley redevelopment area Stage 1 Masterplan. The mixed use development comprised some 6 million sqft with a greater emphasis on residential uses. The proposals, included 5,500 residential units, 30,000sqm of non-food retail, 62,000sqm of office, 63,102sqm of hotel use, 21,458sqm of leisure use, a school and redesigned Stadium parking for up to 458 coaches and 1,200 cars.
i-Transport LLP led the transport related stakeholder negotiations with Wembley Stadium, Brent Council and TfL whilst advising the client and a multidisciplinary team of consultants including architects, landscape architects, civil and structural engineers, environmental consultants, and others. The transport advice included: servicing and access planning, design and management; Wembley Stadium parking, design, management and event parking analysis; multimodal transport impact assessments and sustainable travel planning, design and management; and construction impact analyses and planning.
The Stage 1 Masterplan was taken to Committee in May 2016 in the form of five separate planning applications, i-Transport LLP attended and presented at the Committee. All five applications achieved a resolution to grant, and the redevelopment will provide £140 million of investment into new community infrastructure across Wembley and Brent including a new three form entry primary school and nursery, a new GP’s surgery and community meeting spaces.
James Darrall, Associate in i-Transport’s London office commented, “i-Transport’s teamwork, knowledge, experience and technical ability combined to help achieve a resolution to grant for what is one of London’s largest redevelopment sites surrounding the iconic Wembley Stadium. The London i-Transport team overcame many technical challenges demonstrating a wide range of skill sets and an ability to respond to and resolve unusual and complex transport issues.”