In News

Early January saw the opening of the Sunday Hill Bypass, providing a new link between Heath House Lane and Dodwell Lane, Eastleigh.  The link road, and other infrastructure improvements funded by the Boorley Park Consortium, forms an integral part of addressing historic highway issues, delivering much needed new homes at Boorley Green and Pylands Lane, as well as planned development associated with the emerging Local Plan, providing a much needed and enhanced route to Junction 8 of the M27.  Capacity improvements at the Maypole roundabout which include increasing the size of the roundabout and the addition of an extra entry lane on the Woodhouse Lane and Kings Copse Avenues approaches have already been delivered, reducing congestion at this location.  i-Transport were involved in the inception of the transport strategy for Boorley Green and Pylands Lane and obtaining planning consent for the new link road.

The site is ecologically sensitive and the design and implementation of the bridge work has been undertaken in a way to preserve as much of the local flora and fauna as possible, as well as allowing bats to traverse the valley in their natural habitat whilst avoiding vehicular traffic, with a bespoke lighting strategy which minimises the impacts of artificial lighting on bat foraging routes.

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