In News

An excellent start to September for i-Transport as Selby Council’s Planning Committee unanimously support two planning applications at and close to the site of the former Eggborough Power Station by St Francis Group.

The Council resolved to grant consent for the hybrid application for the demolition of existing buildings and phased redevelopment of part of the Eggborough Power Station subject to referral to the Secretary of State. The site will deliver up c.2.25 million sqft of employment floor space creating up to 4,100 new jobs. The full application for the relocation of sports pitches and construction of a pavilion and parking facilities was approved.

i-Transport provided transport and highways inputs into both applications, which included resolving all maters with Highways England and North Yorkshire County Council, along with the production of a Transport Assessment, Transport Statement, Travel Plan and Transport inputs into the Environmental Statement, undertaking extensive traffic modelling and identifying a package of highways and sustainable transport improvement schemes.

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