In News

i-Transport is delighted to have been part of the technical team that has assisted our client, Banks Property (part of The Banks Group) win the backing of Newcastle City Council’s planning committee for the development of a new community to the north west of the city.  

The development, known as Kingston Village, will provide up to 900 new family homes (including 135 affordable homes), a new primary school, a local shop and café, allotments, a village green and substantial public open space on a 49-hectare site to the west of Brunton Lane.

i-Transport assisted Banks Property to secure an allocation for the site in the 2015 Newcastle & Gateshead Core Strategy and Urban Core Plan, before preparing technical documentation to support the 2019 planning application (including a comprehensive Transport Assessment, access proposals, Public Transport Strategy, Framework Travel Plan and ES Traffic and Transportation Chapter).  In the period since the application was submitted we have continued to advise Banks Property on all highways and transportation matters and successfully resolved all issues with both National Highways and Newcastle City Council.

The development is expected to result in an investment of around £178m in the North East economy and we look forward to continuing to work with Banks Property to see the development realised.

For further information on the Kingston Village development, please visit



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