Proposals for 450 new homes were recently approved at North West Horton Heath by Eastleigh Borough Council, for Drew Smith Homed Limited. The site is adjacent to development known as West Horton Heath which is planned for 950 new homes, primary and secondary schools, employment and a local centre, where i-Transport led on the transport and highways input. The two sites combined will deliver the Allington Lane to Bubb Lane link road, which is a long held aspiration of Eastleigh Borough Council.
i-Transport LLP provided highways and transport advice in relation to the site accesses and link road, site layout, parking and servicing arrangements, whilst ensuring a well connected, permeable layout to encourage walking and cycling. We worked closely with Eastleigh Borough Council and Hampshire County Council to quantify off-site highway impacts and identify a comprehensive package of mitigation measures for all users.
Image courtesy of Boyle and Summers.